Follies Past takes place a year before Darcy met Elizabeth and the story revolves around Darcy’s sister, fourteen-year-old Georgiana and her school friend Clare, leading to Georgiana’s unfortunate interaction with the scheming Mr. Wickham. The book fits perfectly with Austen’s style and humor as do the characters, old and new. We even get a few brief closer looks into the characters of Caroline Bingley and Anne de Bourgh. And Lady Catherine de Bourgh never disappoints in her short appearances. The book is charming and good humored with a sweet love story involving Georgiana’s friend Clare as she tries to find a way to protect her friend from the devious Wickham. The book does so well using Austen’s writing style, it flows perfectly as a prelude into Pride and Prejudice. If you are one of the multitude of Jane Austen fans, this book is truly the best of the many attempts out there of continuing Jane Austen’s creative world.
- Myrt (
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